Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For Grant

This next post, I dedicate to my good friend Grant. You're a good friend, Grant.
(and its not just because you're the only person who reads this)
(....ok kinda)

My birthday is this Saturday! I'm really excited! I'm having this little gathering that I payed too much for with all my friends that I love and adore. (Except a few that'll be there that I just kinda like a little bit and sometimes secretly want them to forget about my party)

...heh (not you, Grant)

BUT YEAH. It's gonna be pretty cool.

So I worked today. Fun stuff. Of course when I say 'fun stuff' I mean, it's boring as hell. At least it was today. Usually I at least have a slightly amusing co-worker to be entertained by. Today I was all by my lonesome while my boss was doing something undoubtedly related to the fact that shes Asian. (I love her) Lemme just give you a list of all the things I did at work today:
1. I stared into space for alot of the time
2. I texted a few people, including my mom.
3. I rearranged the donuts a few times.
4. I ate a donut.
5. I regretted eating the donut.
5. I made myself a drink.
6. I drank my drink.
7. I could go on but just making this list is boring to me, I can imagine the pain the ONE person that reads my blog must feel reading it.

Anywho, I think I'm gonna tell you a little bit about my favorite comedian, Maria Bamford.

She's funny.

So, my sister's visiting now because she lives in the Houston area and Ike kinda took a big steamy shit over there. But I'm glad to have her. She makes this place seem a little less like the Underworld.

Anyway I think I'm going to wrap up this post. It's long enough, dont you think Grant?



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