Sunday, May 17, 2009

Starting Over

Alright, so I realize that I'm a big blog neglector. But I'm in a situation now that almost requires me to have something worthwhile to do with my time, so I should be keeping up now. I'll explain later. Next comes a few biographical paragraphs to sort of catch you up, if you will.

So, last we spoke, I said I had a second interview. I'm a little ashamed to admit I have NO idea what I was talking about. So no news on that....BUT I can deliver news on my current job. I now work the night shift as a dispatcher for a security company in Dallas. Some night are really exciting and eventful, but there are also some nights that absolutly nothing happens. Thus, giving me a large amount of free time on my hands. (That was me explaining the aformentioned "situation.") It's a pretty good job, 40 hours a week and good pay. I rather like it. As far as the whole, "me 'getting better' at cleaning and cooking" and whatnot, I SUPPOSE I'm still not as bad as I was, but I'm no Suzy Homemaker. But I don't need to do much cooking anymore anyway because my boyfriend and I both are dieting. Which brings me to my next news story.

Today is day 1 of my NutriSystem diet. So far its going well. Status report: I'm HUNGRY. But I will NOT give in. I'm going to work at this and develop a body that I can be proud of. (Or at least not be disgusted by.) I will keep you updated as the months go by. My goal is to lose 100 lbs before this time next year. That may be a bit far-fetched and I may even change my mind if I'm satisfied before I reach my goal. But as it stands now, that is what I will strive for. Wish me luck!

I'm still with my wonderful boyfriend and still living in Plano. So not much has changed there. I've recently started going to an open mic night at a BBQ place in Farmer's Branch to sing for country folk while they enjoy Texas BBQ at it's finest. I met a girl on MySpace who actually is the host of the open mic night and she liked my voice and asked me to come on down. It's really fun and singing is my favorite thing to do so Wednesday nights are pretty exciting for me now.

Anyway, I suppose that catches you up enough. I'll blog atcha later. Until then, I hope you enjoyed my most recent ramblings.

Seacrest, out.

I mean...nvm

1 comment:

glenda said...

Sorry, I"m a snob. This girl that doesn't like that you're on a "diet"...well switching to healthier foods is a diet...eating all fast foods is a diet...a diet is what you eat weather it's good or bad, so IMO (in my opinion) you're just changing your diet...and if torturing yourself on nutrisystem gives you a jump start, well then jump on sistah!